15 Surprising Ways to Use Your DockATot Around the House

15 Surprising Ways to Use Your DockATot Around the House

Posted by Melissa Kleinman on

Using DockATot at Home

While we are spending more time in our homes than ever before, many parents are finding creative ways to fill the time. DIY projects, baking sessions (hence the yeast and flour shortages) and arts and crafts are some of the most popular activities families are partaking in. But you may not be aware of all the ways you can use your DockATot around the house, too. DockATot was created to be a multifunctional resource for busy parents.

Dockatot Cloud Gray

 "My DockATot is a wonderful tool," says California dad and lifestyle blogger Christophe Keyes. "The baby does not always want to be in her crib and sometimes wants to be amongst the madness. So while working on school work or cleaning up laying her in the DockATot where she is safe and snuggled on the couch keeps her in eye view, but not have to worry about her falling off into the abyss."

Amber Baldwin Dockatot
(Photo courtesy of @ambercbaldwin

Keeping baby safe and snuggled are some of the best functions of a DockATot, but there are so many other ways to use both the grand and Deluxe+ sizes. 

These are some of the ways that mom of two Amber Baldwin loves to use her Grand and Deluxe+ DockATots:

  • Slumber Party: place the DockATot in front of the sofa, grab some snacks and turn on a favorite movie.

  • Imaginative Play: My girls have turned their DockATot into a pirate ship, a car, a boat. Give them ideas and watch their little minds take it away.

  • Lounge: Snuggle up and read a book.

  • Outdoor: Bring outside and watch the stars or have a picnic.

  • Transition to Bed: We just recently used ours to transition our baby to her own bed. She was scared of her bed for so long and would make a huge fuss every single day.

Plus, here are more ideas on how to use your DockATot around the house:

Dockatot Yoga

As a prop to keep your baby happy and close to mama while you exercise. 

Dockatot tips

(Photo courtesy of @addiegudry)

As a babysitter, while you're cooking dinner. 


(Photo courtesy of @jessicasaramorris)

A DockATot can make playtime so much more fun--and comfy. 


A DockATot may even help bring siblings together! 

Dockatot games

(Photo courtesy of @dccold)

Make up a game where your little one is a fisherman, trying to catch fish out of his boat (aka DockATot).


Your DockATot is a safe spot within arm's reach while you're eating dinner with the rest of the family.  

Dockatot toy arch

(Photo courtesy of @samantha_erin)

Attach the Toy Arch to your DockATot Deluxe+ for hours of stimulating fun. Babies love reaching for the crinkly toys, which helps them build neck strength plus is great for improving fine motor skills. 

Dockatot Tummy Time

One of the most popular uses for DockATot Deluxe+ is for tummy time. It's an ideal spot to let your little one spend time on their tummies because the rounded sides help to prop up your baby when placed under his or her arms. 

dockatot reading time

DockATots are the perfect spot for reading time. Let your little ones snuggle in as you share your favorite books. 

Dockatot cabana kit

Don't forget to go outside for some fresh air--and vitamin D. The Cabana Kit keeps babies protected from the elements while in their dock. 


Parenting How-To's

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